Sunday, March 13, 2016

Christian God


    One of the biggest controversial conversations nowadays is whether God is real or not. People believe in God because it is the easy way out of the reason of everything that is. Humans are scared of the unknown so with this belief of a higher being that controls our lives and what we are supposed to do, it gives people a sense of safety. They fail to realize that nothing is set. Ever. Time is constantly changing.

    What many people fail to realize is that during these early years or civilization science was founded as of yet, they believed it was all magical beyond their belief. This realization that there is a higher being was thought of to be true no questions asked. Religion was a tool used by the priests, kings, and lords to keep people in line and not go a-wall. They needed a way of order to do this, the belief that if you did anything wrong would lead you to an eternity of misery in the afterlife really scared the commoners. By imbuing this the commoners were easily influenced into doing the "right" thing.

    Going into a specific event the Great Flood was an event caused by God to wash away the sins of humans, as according to the Bible. How accurate is the Bible really? It was written down through generations, copied by thousands across different lands in different languages, the is a huge possibility for mistakes to occur. 
   Scripture speaks of demons penetrating the world physically by interbreeding with humans, Genesis 6:4. Giants were the results of this interbreeding. This interbreeding is what i believe the Great Flood was really for. "God" was unhappy with this creatures that were born so he made a flood to wipe them off the earth. The "demons" that breed with the humans couldn't have been spirits they must have been physical, which brings into question, who are they referring to? If you consider this theme will all alien abduction cases, which usually involve tests on the abducted subject, as well as reproductive experiments. These "demons" that are referred to could easily have been early alien abductions/ experimentations , and when they saw what their tests created, giants, they were displeased with the results and wiped away what they created.

This would be a modern day Noah's Ark, a sustainable floating city that could support life.


  1. There is no God. There is only aliens.

  2. I think people only want a god to make themselves feel better. Like all of the stuff in the bible is crazy or scientifically proven. so yes aliens

  3. Though Nas and Adrian have good opinions, nobody will ever know for certain what is truly out there. Which is why Christianity is such a faithful religion. it requires a lot of faith.
