Sunday, May 22, 2016

The Grays

The Grays have been believed to be a species of extraterrestrials that has interacted the most with our species. Many believe that they have interacted with our ancestors and showing them the way of science. While there are no actual proof there are drawings made by civilizations across the globe meaning that they all had a similar experience of a higher being coming down to them.

Curiosity is what killed the cat. We are a very curious and adventurous species so it is not strange for us to find answers to something that we do not know, which is what the Grays are to our question of "is there life somewhere else?". There has been many sightings of UFOs and stories of abductions told by people across the globe as well as writings, pictures, and statues of these beings that are humanoid but entirely  homo sapiens. The bible refers to "God" making us in his image so what is wrong with the idea of an extraterrestrial species coming to Earth and making us into their image.
As you can see our skeleton closely resembles that of the Gray image above (what is to be believed as). With similar jaw structure, and large cranium. These are qualities completely different from our ancestors, yes you could say its the Theory of Evolution or Natural selection. While Natural Selection is a possibility, I disapproved of this in an earlier post Aliens and the Creation of Man, which I wrote that there was an outer influence on our evolution to make us who we are now. So the Grays could very well be our "God" who made us in his image. But there has been very little proof of their very existence except for eye witness reports and what we have gathered from earlier civilizations. The possibilities are endless, we need to continue to push forward and learn more from our mistakes to make a better future.

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your blog. The information provided is always so interesting.
